Triple glazed uPVC windows & doors
Cembra uPVC frames offer luxurious style and exceptional durability without breaking the bank. Our uPVC windows and doors are built with the highest quality materials and include many features like energy efficient insulated glass, high performance hardware and industry leading finishes. The ultramatt finishes are available in 11 colors and are unique in their aesthetic and durability.
76MD Windows
triple glazed uPVC window
Softline 76 MD with center seal is a modern multi-chamber system with a basic basic depth of 76 mm and combines strong insulating performance with particular economy in production. Softline 76 MD is also suitable for use with modern triple glazing as well as special functional glass for enhanced sound insulation and burglary protection. Even large glass surfaces are no problem with the slimline and flexible design of Softline 76 MD. In addition to a wide range of additional profiles, a special sash profile for adhesive technology is also available.

4/16/4/16/4IG unit
SGHC value
Roto Tilt FirstChild Safety
82MD-PH Windows
triple glazed uPVC window
82MD system frames are made of high quality uPVC frame with steel reinforcements and offer a range of benefits to suit your needs. The highest insulation value available in any window frame is made possible by 7 separate chambers spread across the 82mm frame. The ultramatt finish stands without comparison and will create a very modern and time less aesthetic in your home.

4/18/4/18/4IG unit
SGHC value
Roto Tilt FirstChild Safety
Lift & Slide Door
triple glazed uPVC frame
The VEKAMOTION 82 MAX lift and sliding door system is an exploration of the trend for large-format window elements and facades with a high proportion of glass. Compared to previously available solutions, it reduces casement widths by up to 20 per cent, thus ensuring brilliantly illuminated interiors. The system has been developed for simple installation and maintenance, delivers excellent thermal and sound insulation, and thanks to its new reinforcement concept is extremely stable. The frame design can be plastered in so extensively that virtually frameless exterior views are possible. The delicately designed casements of this lift and sliding door system allow significantly more light into the interior.

Uglass value
Uframe value
IG unit
SGHC value
Child Safety
Entrance Door
triple glazed
uPVC frame
Your front door should not only always make a good impression, but must also close tightly and function perfectly for many years. No other building element in the house is exposed to such heavy loads from wind, weather and frequent use as the front door.